Monday 11 January 2010

Uni Tomorrow

I'm feeling pretty awesome about this year so far. Although i haven't done much yet, i've stuck to most of the things that i said i would i.e. finishing the pole dancing article ( finally! And various other daily goals i had set myself.

Uni starts tomorrow and i really hope i can maintain my motivation to do well and keep up to date with work and lab reports as well as extra research. I need to keep doing all my gym and exercise stuff- that's one thing that Ive slacked on in the last few days. But I'm going tonight so I'm going to try to make sure I keep it up. And start stretching. Theres no point starting to stretch and then just leaving it for days at a time because you just lose what you had previously gained.

I want to use my spare time more effectively, i'd like to write another article, and i really want to get teaching pole sorted. Lauren is coming round for a lesson on Wednesday which will be good practice. I need to get together a lesson plan.

Started my pole routine for Nott's got talent. It'll be fun. But as usual i'm probably going to end up not having it complete until the last minute! I managed to fall when trying to do a hand/pole stand- grabbing the pole with one hand and putting the other on the floor. It's odd that i can do a handspring but can;t quite grasp how to do that....

I got Kieron his key today :) although a fob for the front gates and doors is £80. I dont understand how they can justify charging that much. It cost me £20 to replace mine when i dropped it down a drain in 1st year at SPC. Anyway, it's nice, now there's 3 of us here.. 5 including the chinchillas, but theres so much space that its not as if it's cramped or anything. We went to IKEA yesterday and bought bookshelves, they make everything SOOO much neater. There's so much more space it's great.

Anyway, i'm off to either play some Bioshock and research something for my article :) and basically just make the most of my last day before the hell of uni enters back into my life again....

Thursday 24 December 2009

Christmas Eve

I can't believe how quickly this year has gone.. It's kind of scary in a way, one minute it's Summer and the next it's almost the New Year. I've had a good xmas holidays. Kieron came down for a few days to London, he's only just left to go back to Nottingham.

I'm feeling really motivated at the moment. There are several things I want to concentrate more on from now on, my "Goals". I want to start working toward them now.. screw New Years resolutions, they never work. I need to want to do it for me not just for some tradition.

Right the things I need to concentrate on achieving:

* Achieving a good grade
* Keeping on top of work and doing more than the minimum
* Doing work when i get it and not procrastinating
* Researching and reading around the subject

Exercise and Sport:
* Setting up pole lessons
* Learning new pole moves (when I can- have a hurt foot)
* Doing strength training every day
- Want to be able to do shouldermount on the pole
- Lifting into twisted grip handspring
* Doing stretches each day
- Box splits
- Other splits
- Backbends
* Walking on my hands
* Join breakdance soc
* Join gymnastics soc
* Sort out my routine for Nottingham's got Talent Uni

* Spend more time with my chinchillas- Piggy and Gizmo
* Let them out for a run every day
* Get them used to being handled

* Really need to get more involved with this ( I dont always feel like I have time but i really want to start doing what i should be and maybe writing a couple of articles

* Start revising for UKCAT and GAMSAT medical exams
* Write a personal statement
* Get work experience/voluntary work
* Look into setting up a company
* Figure out how I can stay in Nottingham next year

Creative Stuff:
* Keep practicing drawing
* Start writing/reading again

* Get a job
* Sell stuff on eBay

I think that helped to clear my head a bit... I really must stick to this stuff. I don't want to screw things up and live to regret it all.

mmmmm I love Amaretto :) I'm drinking it with coke and watching family guy in the living room with Toffee sitting next to me.

It's so odd it doesn't really feel like Christmas. It was still awesome to have so much snow. It had been so long since I'd gone and played in the snow, loved it. Even though it was freezing I still love the atmosphere it creates outside.

Friday 6 November 2009

I put the pro in procrastination

Right, so i've been wanting to set up a blog for quite a while now. Had loads of time to do it before, literally days and days when I could have set one up... However... Now that i have a lab report due in next week, I seem to find myself doing what i usually do.. procrastinating. I am soooo distracted, i have been tidying and fixing things that before didn't seem to be so important, but as soon as i have to do work that all changes.

I have also decided that Facebook is the devil. I spend so much time on it when I have deadlines due in the next few days. My housemate Steve doesn't seem to help, we both sit in the living room "working" whilst both logged in and someone will get facebook raped or we'll constantly be creating and commenting on new statuses or mutual friend's posts. And now i'm setting up a blog because once again i'm trying to distract myself from what i really have to do.

For anyone reading this that doesn't know me.. (if anyone is reading this at all- which i doubt (I want to write this for my own sanity)) my name is Hannah, I'm 21 and i am doing a masters at the University of Nottingham. I undertook my undergraduate degree there too, just couldn't get away from here lol. Love it too much. I hve 2 chinchillas called Gizmo and Piggy, who at this present moment are rearranging their cage. I'm originally from London.

My course isn't going to badly at the moment, this is the first "real" piece of work that we've been given. But it's MASSIVE (that's what she said). We have to write up a lab report on 4 different experiments and we're expected to only write 2000 words....... 2000 words!!! that's just ridiculous. I could write that much on just one of them! I won't bore you by going into details of what it's about. All you need to know is its on cardiovascular measurements.

We finally have hot water and heating again. The last few days it's been a case of jumpers and blankets worn constantly around the flat, Steve drinking whisky to stay warm (any excuse) and cold showers, or warm ones using the sink and the kettle. It's nice to be able to sit and not be freezing.

I guess i should probably try to get back to work... knowing me i'll probably be back on in a little while to distract myself further.